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Learn more about Emotionally Focused Therapy (The Best Couple’s Therapy)
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Other Certified Emotionally Focused Therapists and EFT Centers
See my website featuring Emotional Health and Relationship Tips
Cool Links to EFT Things
Articles and Videos on Attachment
Gloria: Humanistic Work
Miscellaneous – Fun Stuff and Poems
Other Friends of Emotionally Focused Therapy
Learn more about Emotionally Focused Therapy (the best Couple’s Therapy):
International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy
San Diego Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Susan Johnson’s NEW BOOK Hold Me TIght: Seven Conservations for a Lifetime of Love
Read helpful information about family concerns and find treatment providers:
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Other Certified Emotionally Focused Therapists and Affiliated EFT Centers and Communities:
Alliant Couple and Family Clinic
Gordon Meredith
Irene Oudyk-Suk
Kathryn de Bruin
Lisa Palmer-Olsen
Mark Kaupp
Northern California Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Relationships Aotearoa – New Zealand
Sacramento/Davis Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy
San Diego Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy
San Francisco Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Wanda Garner
See Becca’s website featuring Emotional Health and Relationship Tips
Websites Featuring Becca’s Articles and Trainings
Community News
Foundation for the Contemporary Family: EFT Summit Program
HOLD ME TIGHT: Book Review on Amazon
ISU Connie Thorson – Trainee
LifeSTAR of So Cal
Relationship Services
UCAP Presentation 2010
Cool Links to EFT Things
EFT Resources
Brent Bradley and Jim Furrow have put the PDFs to their presentations on The EFT Zone.
You can find the handouts to their 2010 Presentation at the Summit on Blamer Softening, EFT and Blended Families, Rebuilding Broken Bonds – Recovering from Infidelity and many others.
Beginning Each Session – A Checklist From Becoming an Emotionally Focused Couple Therapist: Workbook
Are Men & Women From Different Planets?
Attachment Injuries in Couple Relationship by Sue Johnson, Judy Makinen, and John Milikin
“Broken Together”: Sprirituality and Religion as Coping Strategies for Couples Dealing with the Death of a Child: A Literature Review with Clinical Implications by Ileana Ungureanu and Jonathan Sandberg
Creating Healing Relationships for Couples Dealing with Trauma: The Use of Emotionally Focused Marital Therapy by Susan Johnson and Lyn Williams-Keeler, published in Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 1998, Vol. 24. No. 1, 25-40.
George Faller on TV talking about EFT
Here’s an article Becca wrote that was published in the Spring-2010-ICEEFT-News.
Identifying the connecting moves of reciprocity and healthy relationships
Inside Blamer Softening: Maps & Missteps by Brent Bradley and James Furrow (from their website)
Integration of a Cultural Lens with Emotionally Focused Therapy by Gunnur Karakurt and Margaret Keiley in Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy
Interview with Susan Johnson Pychotherapy Networker CE Courses May 12, 2010
Interview with Susan Johnson on EFT, Hold Me Tight, Attachment Theory
No – your partner is NOT an alien!! by Susan JohnsonThe Efficacy of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT-C) Training with Regard to Reducing Sexual Dissatisfaction Among Couples
Rebecca Jorgensen gives an Introduction to EFTSave Your Marriage by Sue Johnson published in More Magazine
Scott Woolley on TV taking about EFT Part I
Scott Woolley on TV talking about EFT Part II
Sue Johnson’s Psychology Today Blog
Sue Johnson’s Hold Me Tight Blog
Sue Johnson’s October 2009 AAMFT Plenary Points
Susan Johnson on the life-and-death urgency of attachment:
Articles and Videos on Attachment
A Brief Overview of Attachment Theory and Research
Adult Romantic Attachment: Theoretical Developments, Emerging Controversies, and Unanswered Questions by R. Chris Fraley and Philip Shaver. Review of General Psychology 2000, Vol 4, pp 132-154
Airport Separations: A Naturalistic Study of Adult Attachment Dynamics in Separating Couples by R. Chris Fraley and Philip R. Shaver Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1998, Vol 75, No. 5, pp 1198-1212
Alan Sroufe on Attachment Theory
Attachment to GOD: The Attachment to GOD Inventory, Tests of Working Model Correspondence, and an Exploration of Faith Group Differences By Richard Beck and Angie McDonald Journal of Psychology and Theology
Attachment Parenting International
Attachment Theory and Research at Stonybrook
Chris Fraley: Attachment Links & Resources
Circle of Security: Baby Bonding
Circle of Security: Early Intervention Program for Parents and Children
From Attachment Theory & Research at Stony Brook
John Bowlby and Attachment Theory
Louis Cozolino interviewed about his book: The Neuroscience of Human Relationships
Louis Cozolini: The Neuroscience of Human Relationships
Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth of Love
Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation BBC Radio (October 19, 2005)
Minnesota Longitudianl Study of Attachment
Phil Shaver: Adult Attachment Lab
Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. By Hazan, Cindy; Shaver, Phillip Journal of Personality
The beauty and the power of the healing touch. Mom’s hug revives baby who was pronounced dead..
The Strange Situation – Mary Ainsworth
The Wholeness of Mind, Brain, Body, and Human-Relatedness by Daniel Siegel
Shame and Empathy Dr. Brene Brown
PBS Interview with Brene Brown
Brene Brown on Shame, Vulnerability, Connection, Worthiness
The Price of Invulnerability Brene Brown
Jeremy Rifkin on Empathy and Civilization
Emotions Revealed Paul Ekman
Emotional Processing Inventory developed by Rory Reid and James Harper
Shame by Robert Karen The Atlantic Monthly, Feb 1992 v269 n2 p. 40(21)
Emotions Outlast the Memories that Drive Them story on NPR
A Gestalt Therapy Approach to Shame and Self-Righteousness: Theory & Methods by Richard Erskine
Focusing Resources provided by Ann Weiser Cornell
3 Key Aspects of Focusing by Ann Weiser Cornell
An Interview with Focusing Teacher, Ann Weiser Cornell
Thinking at the Edge with Eugene Gendlin, Part 1
Thinking at the Edge with Eugene Gendlin, Part 2
Thinking at the Edge with Eugene Gendlin, Part 3
Eugene Gendlin Introduces Focusing, Part 1
Eugene Gendlin Introduces Focusing, Part 2
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy
Gloria: Humanistic Work
Carl Rogers and Gloria, Part 1
Carl Rogers and Gloria, Part 2
Carl Rogers and Gloria, Part 3
Carl Rogers and Gloria, Part 4
Carl Rogers and Gloria, Part 5
The Future of Brain-Based Psychotherapy
Dan Siegel
Psychotherapy Networker CE Courses
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Neurobiology of “We”
Daniel Siegel
From Networker Live
Jim Coan and the Hand Holding Experiment
Social regulation of emotional responses
Louis Cozolino interviewed on his book: The Neuroscience of Human Relationships
Compassion with the Trauma Client John Briere
Trauma, Suffering & Mindfulness John Briere
Miscellaneous – Fun Stuff and Poems
“Danny and Annie” from StoryCorps
Van Morrison – Real Real Gone [2007 Re-mastered].mp3
John Bowlby would be very proud of Van Morrison:Above is a link to the song, Real Real Gone.And here are the lyrics:Real real goneI got hit by a bow and arrowGot me down to the very marrowAnd I’m real real goneReal real goneI can’t stand up by myselfDon’t you know I need your helpAnd I’m real real gone
Some people sayYou can make it on your ownOh you can make it if you tryI know better nowYou can’t stand up aloneOh baby that is why
I’m real real goneI can’t stand up by myselfDon’t you know I need your helpYou’re a friend of mineAnd I’m real real gone
And Sam Cooke is on the radioAnd the night is filled with spaceAnd your fingertips touch my faceYou’re a friend of mineAnd I’m real real gone
I’m real goneOh lord I got hit by a bow and arrowGot me down to the very marrowYou’re a friend of mineAnd I’m real real goneAnd I’m real real goneI’m real gone
Wilson Pickett said:– “In the midnight hour, that’sWhen my love comes tumbling down”Solomon Burke said:– “If you need me, why don’t you call me”James Brown said:– “When you’re tired of what you got, try me”Gene Chandler said:– “There’s a rainbow in my soul”
A Rabbit Noticed My ConditionI was sad one day and went for a walk;I sat in a field.A rabbit noticed my condition and came near.
It often does not take more than that to help at times –to just be close to creatures whoare so full of knowing,so full of lovethat they don’t–chat,they just gaze withtheir marvelous understanding.–St. John of the Cross
I love you,Not only for what you areBut for what I amWhen I am with you.I love you,Not only for whatYou have made of yourselfBut for whatYou are making of me.
I love you,For the part of meThat you bring out;I love you,For putting your handInto my heaped-up heartAnd passing overAll the foolish, weak thingsThat you can’t helpDimly seing there,And for drawing outInto the lightAll the beautiful belongingsThat no one else had lookedQuite far enough to find.
I love you because youAre helping me to makeOf the lumber of my lifeNot a tavernBut a temple;Out of worksOf my every dayNot a reproachBut a song.– Roy Croft
“Oh, the comfort – the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person – having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~D. Craik, 1859
“We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other.” ~ Teilhard de Chardin
Godfrey turned his head towards her, and their eyes met, dwelling in that meeting without any movement on either side. That quiet mutual gaze of a trusting husband and wife is like the first moment of rest or refuge from a great weariness or a great danger—not to be interfered with by speech or action which would distract the sensations from the fresh enjoyment of repose.
From the classic novel Silas Marner
Other Friends of Emotionally Focused Therapy
Alliant Couple and Family Clinic- San Diego
Carol Corcoran doing Couple Therapy and EFT
Counselor for couples, families and individuals with Laurie Sanders in Auburn, CA
Couples In Step Counselling in Mississauga, Ontario
Couple Therapy in the Netherlands
Couple Therapy with Alan Zwerdling in New Jersey
Cynthia Roberts Attachment-based counseling in Eugene, OR
EFT in Portland, OR with Dr. Sharon Lee
EFT Support – Online Help for Learning Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Australia with Lyn Thomson
Emotionally Focused Therapy – Training and SupervisionLevi Breuer, Psychologist, Couples Counseling
Healing Hearts-Transforming Minds with Sandy and Douglas Jardine in Scottsdale, AZ
Heart 2 Heart Counseling in Richmond, On with Margarete Juliana
Horak Family and Psychological Services in Grand Rapids, MI
Individual, Marriage and Family Therapy in North Carolina with Susan Morrow
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina with B. Anne Hancock
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Geoff Steurer in St. George, UT
Marriage and Couples Counseling
Marriage and Family Therapy at Caring Hope Counselling
Marriage and Family Therapists in Newark, Ca
Marriage and Family Therapist Suki Dennis in Redwood City, CA
Marriage & Family Therapist Tisa Starr in Auburn, CA
Marriage Counseling at Colorado Counseling Center at Centennial, CO
Marriage Counseling Center for EFT Couple Therapy Toronto
Matt Angelstorf -Master Psychologist, Couples Therapist
Maureen Kaye, MFT: Couples Therapy in Simi Valley, Ca
Mindful Heart Counseling Center, with Denan Burke in San Luis Obispo, CA
Nataxja Cini – Certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy at Family-Therapy in Canada