EFT- Video of 10 Sessions

“Dr Jorgensen’s attuned responsiveness and skill shows how EFT not only shapes trust and secure bonding, but also how such bonding shapes stronger and more confidant partners. You can’t help but learn a great deal from watching this master EFT therapist and trainer in action!”

— Susan Johnson, EdD, Director, International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy; Author, The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Hold Me Tight, and Love Sense.

“After years of studying, practicing and trying to integrate the complexities of EFT, this series of ten sessions with a MASTER therapist has helped me more than all the travel, all the reading, all the hours I’ve spent watching tapes. Seeing Rebecca’s incredible technique and consistent use of the method finally helped EFT sink in to my brain at a deeply felt level. My sessions are not the same. Thank you, Rebecca and to your lovely clients.”
–Sunny Mavor

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Carl and Sandra have each been shaped by their life adventures, from Sandra’s years as a Philadelphia crime reporter to their experiences in addiction recovery and nomadic lifestyle on boats and in RVs. Now, after two years of marriage, the lively retired couple find themselves at a standstill, as the tough exteriors that helped get them through earlier troubles hinder their ability to be vulnerable with each other. As their conflicts increase, Carl backs away from the relationship, and Sandra in turn goes after him. This pursuit leaves Carl feeling inadequate and Sandra feeling like a “monster.” They each wonder aloud whether they should remain married. Demoralized by this endless cycle, the couple turns to Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Meet Carl and Sandra:


Towards the end of treatment:


About the videos:

This unique set of videos offers the chance to watch a full course of EFT with a very engaging yet challenging couple. Over 10 sessions, using the map Emotionally Focused Therapy provides and the power that comes with empathic attunement Sandra and Carl step out of their negative cycle and begin to interact with each other in new ways.
These sessions with Carl and Sandra offer you another opportunity to develop necessary skills in the difficult art of couples therapy.

You may buy all three videos as a set and save, or you may buy Part 1 (Sessions 1-3), Part 2 (Sessions 4-6), and Part 3 (Sessions 7-10) separately.

Click Here For More Information


“Wow, what lovely EFT work. Rebecca Jorgensen’s pacing is slow as she helps the couple unfold and bring to consciousness the pattern of disconnection they’ve developed. Her gentle conjectures are so very respectful. I loved watching her eyes move back and forth between the partners tracking how comments and her reflection of the cycle was landing for each. She was relentlessly empathic while investigating the cycle. Within one session, she was able to identify and the couple could see the cycle. It is masterful!!!! Thank you for this excellent example of EFT in action. I highly recommend this series.”
— Wanda Garner, MS, Certified EFT Therapist

“I’ve already started watching the first three sessions and what a great resource – it’s wonderful to see you work with this couple, and to be able to see the work progress over time. I’ve already been able to apply some of your specific ways of intervening (such as when the client is saying “this is all too much, all this therapy, is it worth it?) and you acknowledged the question but then put it right back in the cycle – very deft! 🙂 And I love how the transcript “follows along. This is truly a wonderful resource!”

“I did want to add my voice to others who have said how helpful it was to watch Becca’s 10 session video on Psycotherapy.net. Every session is worth watching. Becca is extremely skilled at fearlessly using the interaction in the room, focusing on attachment themes, putting lots of content issues into the cycle and working collaboratively with the couple to help them recognize their own patterns. She is kind, insightful and persistent in guiding this couple toward a more satisfying relationship. The couple has a strong recovery program and she works effectively in recognizing the importance of their recovery history while also blending in attachment themes of EFT. I’ve seen many training tapes but it is significantly different to see an unedited 10 sessions. It was reassuring to see Becca sometimes miss and then work calmly and collaboratively with the couple to get back on track. I’ve noticed a big improvement in my own work as I’ve been studying these tapes.”

“I also want to say that that having the training tapes is really great and seeing how Becca handles with such finesse all the different blocks and emotions is a great learning experience for me. It is nice to have it readily available to watch whenever I want the different segments. Thank you so much Becca for these wonderful teaching tapes!”

“Everyone I supervise is buying the series and many of my friends. I am very excited that you have made this exceptional series available. I have already used many of our interventions in my work. You so gently move this couple through the steps. What a blessing!”
Jean, Certified EFT Supervisor

“I just bought it and though I only have a little time to watch tonight… I know it is going to be so helpful….to just feel you find your way along so gracefully, with so much care and ………. I don’t want to say words here…. too limiting. I just want to say it’s beautiful to watch you work.”

“Hey Becca, I am watching a bit more of your video – really, it is so wonderful to see a “live”, an actual – where they don’t answer the actual questions you ask, get back into content… and to see her get fired up and work through that… so much more realistic and applicable – thanks AGAIN! “

“Rebecca, I am now finished watching all ten sessions…I so admire your ability to stay “curious” with this couple and keep working to refine the patterns and emotions despite their frequent corrections, denials and attempts at exit. I am so new to EFT and hope that I can some day get half as good at this as you are. I am watching the 10 session set again from the beginning and this time taking notes. You have some really good key phrases that I think will help me slow my couples down, by into the reframe and recognize their cycle. Thanks again.”

“I just wanted to tell you that I purchased the Sandra and Carl videos and am getting so much out of them. I am a visual learner and watching you in action allows me to learn at a faster rate than if I was just reading and studying the theory. I am glad that you provided this type of instruction.”
Therapist in San Diego

“I’ve finally begun watching Becca’s 10 session series. Wow, what lovely EFT work. Becca’s pacing is slow as she helps the couple unfold and bring to consciousness the pattern of disconnection they’ve developed. Her gentle conjectures are so very respectful. I loved watching her eyes move back and forth between the partners tracking how comments and her reflection of the cycle was landing for each. Within one session, she was able to identify and the couple could see the cycle. It is masterful!!!! Thank you for this excellent example of EFT in action. I highly recommend this series.” –Wanda, Certified EFT Supervisor

“What a great resource – it’s wonderful to see you work with this couple, and to be able to see the work progress over time. I’ve already been able to apply some of your specific ways of intervening (such as when the client is saying “this is all too much, all this therapy, is it worth it?) and you acknowledged the question but then put it right back in the cycle – very deft! 🙂 And I love how the transcript follows along. This is truly a wonderful resource! Thanks!
Katty, Certified EFT Therapist